Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are planning two new solar farms

Cooperative Solar Farm Two – Fayette

A 387-acre solar farm in eastern Fayette County, Ky., along Interstate 64 will generate 40 megawatts of electricity, enough to serve the annual electricity needs of 4,560 typical Kentucky homes.

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Cooperative Solar Farm Three – Marion

A 635-acre solar farm in Marion County, Ky., north of Lebanon. This solar farm will generate 96 megawatts of electricity, enough to serve the annual electricity needs of 10,940 typical Kentucky homes.

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Does EKPC have other solar farms?
Yes. In 2017, EKPC developed Cooperative Solar Farm One at its main campus in Clark County. This 60-acre facility can generate 8.5 megawatts of electricity. Members of EKPC’s 16 owner-member electric cooperatives can participate in this community solar farm by licensing panels through the Cooperative Solar program.

Why is EKPC adding more solar farms?
These solar farms will help to diversify EKPC’s fleet of electric-generating resources, providing a resource to meet growing demand for electricity, especially demand from industrial and commercial users seeking to lower their carbon footprint. These projects will help EKPC comply with increasing government regulatory pressure to reduce the carbon intensity of its generation portfolio. They will provide cost-competitive resources to meet these goals.

Does EKPC plan to close any of its existing power plants as it adds new solar farms?
EKPC has no plans to close existing power plants. EKPC has advocated for the United States to maintain reliable electric-generating resources that are available 24/7/365, regardless of weather conditions, while the nation transitions to lower carbon intensity.

© Kentucky's Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. 4775 Lexington Road, Winchester, KY 40438